Thursday, February 23, 2012

What is the name of the plate that protects the transmisson on a vw jetta?

i own a 03 vw jetta gls 2.0, today the plate undernethn the car. that protect the transmission fell off and it is ruined i need to replace it but have no idea what it is called or where i can find it. it has a part number on it. from what i can see it says 06A103667AA. any ideasWhat is the name of the plate that protects the transmisson on a vw jetta?Skid Plate. You are not going to find it aftermarket, it's either dealer or junk yard.What is the name of the plate that protects the transmisson on a vw jetta?That would be called a skid plate. My Jetta doesn't have one. maybe it should have one and I just don't know it.

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